Wednesday 10 December 2008

Analysis of a Double Page Spread

The choice of band that the article has featured suggests that the target audience will be quite mature. This is because of the formal language used and the supporting image. Also notice the mention of 80’s rock and roll icon Bruce Springsteen. This tells us that the audience will be in their 30’s and 40’s.

The language used inside of the magazine is quite formal. This also tells us that the target audience will be older as they do not understand certain slang words younger people use. For example: inevitably, this desolate environment has shaped Fallon’s world view.

The colours used are quite plain. They have used simple whites and reds to convey an attractive layout. The reds are supposed to lock in the reader’s attention. The main source of colour is from the image and even the image is quite plain with no bold or florescent colours like Mixmag or Kerrang! would use.

Even though the style of the text is clear to read, the font has been changed through out the magazine. No page has the same font as each other. It’s as if they are trying to keep each page unique.

The image has covered one full page and leaks over to the next. Most of the second page is made up by text about the band and their background. This image is trying to convey the bands rough and tough side of where they grew up and how it’s affected their music.

The tone of the article is addressing the reader as if the reader knows some of the background information on the band. This makes the band feel like they know the band personally.

The band in this image is being presented as a rough but ready band, which despite their ups and downs in the music business, are still moving forward. This is a strong but powerful image for this magazine as Q is quite an old magazine for older people. However like the article the magazine is still strong and is widely recommended for those in search of good music publications.

The cover of the magazine and the double page spread of the article are both quite similar. This is because of the font style of the writing. Although they are different they are on the same lines of being simple and easy to read. The colours are both plain but both have red logos or titles. There are also other articles in the magazine which are also quite similar to the one shown above.
The band does require some of its fans to be knowledgeable so as to understand the context of the article. This is so they can get a better understanding of what type of band they are and what they are doing for the new music generation. They want us, the fans, to understand the struggle and pain it has brought them so that we can fully appreciate the beauty of the music in which has caused a great struggle.