Wednesday 10 December 2008

Analysis of a Double Page Spread

The choice of band that the article has featured suggests that the target audience will be quite mature. This is because of the formal language used and the supporting image. Also notice the mention of 80’s rock and roll icon Bruce Springsteen. This tells us that the audience will be in their 30’s and 40’s.

The language used inside of the magazine is quite formal. This also tells us that the target audience will be older as they do not understand certain slang words younger people use. For example: inevitably, this desolate environment has shaped Fallon’s world view.

The colours used are quite plain. They have used simple whites and reds to convey an attractive layout. The reds are supposed to lock in the reader’s attention. The main source of colour is from the image and even the image is quite plain with no bold or florescent colours like Mixmag or Kerrang! would use.

Even though the style of the text is clear to read, the font has been changed through out the magazine. No page has the same font as each other. It’s as if they are trying to keep each page unique.

The image has covered one full page and leaks over to the next. Most of the second page is made up by text about the band and their background. This image is trying to convey the bands rough and tough side of where they grew up and how it’s affected their music.

The tone of the article is addressing the reader as if the reader knows some of the background information on the band. This makes the band feel like they know the band personally.

The band in this image is being presented as a rough but ready band, which despite their ups and downs in the music business, are still moving forward. This is a strong but powerful image for this magazine as Q is quite an old magazine for older people. However like the article the magazine is still strong and is widely recommended for those in search of good music publications.

The cover of the magazine and the double page spread of the article are both quite similar. This is because of the font style of the writing. Although they are different they are on the same lines of being simple and easy to read. The colours are both plain but both have red logos or titles. There are also other articles in the magazine which are also quite similar to the one shown above.
The band does require some of its fans to be knowledgeable so as to understand the context of the article. This is so they can get a better understanding of what type of band they are and what they are doing for the new music generation. They want us, the fans, to understand the struggle and pain it has brought them so that we can fully appreciate the beauty of the music in which has caused a great struggle.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Analysis of a Music Magazine (Kerrang!)

This type of music publication is based on rock music with such sub genres as Metal, Punk, Emo and Classic rock.
You can usually tell which types of articles will be in that certain issue. There will usually be the band names which will be featured in certain pages of the music publication. On this particular publication the puff would say “plus” and “exclusive”.

This music publication is based around the 15- 24 age group. This is because readers of those ages who have developed different music interests and are interested in that specific type of music will read Kerrang! readers who are usually interested in this type of music have different style of dressing, which is quite rebellious and extreme includng the way they act and the interests in which they develop. You would not expect to find this type of person to read Vibe magazine.

The mode of address used in Kerrang! magazine is portraying the band on the cover as men snarling with a lot of attitude. like they dont want anything to do with you or anyone else.

I personally think that the image is not really telling you that they want a relationship with the reader. However, this picture is a powerful image because of the way the camera is overlooking them.

Kerrang! have put My Chemical Romance on the front of their cover because they are the main article in the publication who have alot to say by the look of the image.

The anchorage text says: “Death. Drugs. Revenge. They’re Not OKAY”. This is the top story of the magazine. It implies that the band have something to do with drugs, death and revenge. This is quite a dark story for a normal music magazine, but Kerrang! is a heavy rock publication with dark colours smeared all over the page so that the image and its dark staory is perfect for the magazine. It also has it’s own inside joke with the regular readers who listen to My Chemical Romance because underneath their name it says “They’re Not OKAY”. Every one who listens to them will know the joke because they have currently made a song called “Im Not Okay”. This is a good use of irony on the music publication.

The overall message the group are giving is that they have a good music and a great story to tell about their past not only with the anchorage text but with their main image as well. Also if you look at their clothes, you will notice that they are wearing mainly black and have added a small piece of colour such as white and red. however, notice that one of the band members is wearing a Joy Division t-shirt. This t-shirt, to those who know of classic 70 and 80’s early rock bands, know that the band has a grim background of the death of its lead vocalist Ian Curtis and has a horrific meaning to its name, which is referred to the Nazi name for concentration camp brothels during World War II. This must mean that this band member, and probably the rest of band, wants to be portrayed like a supporter of dark and somethimes horrific cults.

The magazine is representing groups/cults that listen to the music that the magazine publishes such as Emo and Goth music. The magazine cover tells you this through the dark colours and graphic Images the cover holds. Another but an almost unheard of cult is called the Cult of Ian Curtis; this is because one of the band members of My Chemical Romance in the central image is wearing a Joy Division t-shirt. This helps boosts cerculation of the magazine,when a band are supporting other cults/groups.

There are a few buzz words on the cover of the page, for example, “free” and “plus”. This makes the reader want to pick up the magazine and immediately start to read it especially if it is something that appeals to the readerlike a free CD.

The title block of Kerrang! magazine has a hidden meaning. The word Kerrang! Is an onomatopoeia, which is the sound of a loud guitar being strummed. But also notice the design of the title words. It looks like shattered glass because of the loudness the guitar makes. This automatically tells you that it is a loud music magazine which basicaly deals with guitars.

The title of the magazine immediately tells you that its readers are into loud and quite hardcore music. It basically tells you when you look at the title of the music publication. The image that the music publication has and does use is quite dramatic. They use a lot of deep and dark colours such as crimson and other deep red's for major colour and style, and use alot of black and white for the images whose background has been cut out for a more drastic effect.

The puffs put in snip bits of the bands and sometimes topics of what will be in the magazine. They do try to put different types of sub genres in the Kerrang! magazine so it will appeal to a greater audience. They put in pop, punk, Emo, metal and Goth rock which are the main areas of the sub genres of rock music. These are also social groups as well as musical ones. So there are different types of rock music for different types of people.

The slogan, “Life Is Loud”, also suggests that this is a loud music magazine. It is advertising for people who like to live loud to read their niche magazine.

The colours used are quite dark but sometimes they use a hint of bright colours from the graphic and central images. I think that it is quite attractive because people who belong to cults such as Goth, Emo and Scene usually wear dark colours and sometimes add a touch of colour like the cover of the Kerrang! magazine does.
They have used a Grunge type of font for the title, anchorage text and other writing that is usually shown on the cover of the magazine to show that they really are a true rock magazine that appeals to all types of rock music lovers.

Kerrang! uses different strategies to maintain and gain readers. They throw in, for every reader, posters and calendars, stickers and sometimes CDs promoting the music they talk about in their magazine. This can boost circulation and their sales will increase by 5%.

Analysis of a Music Magazine (NME)

This is NME. This is an alternative music publication which promotes such genres like Indie and Math rock.
This cover tells you what type of articles will be inside the magazine because of all the graphic images and the buzz words.

The target audience for this magazine is 14-24. This is because this music publication deals with alternative music and other complicated genres like Dream Pop or Space Rock. Readers who are usually interested in this type of music have a different style of dressing and acting. They wear colourful tops and jeans, preferably with a tight fit otherwise know as skinny jeans.

The mode of address NME are using is to show how their central image, Muse, are taking over the world as well as the cover page. They have used a low angle shot to portray their rising power. They have also made sure that the lighting is facing up on them from their face. Their cover image is almost God like. They are portraying themselves to us that they are a modern day God's.

This magazine tells us that they are so great that they are taking over the alternative music industry. The magazine is also trying to tell us throught persuasion, that they are a good magazine and only deal with the best and up and coming musicians that are on the market today.

NME has put the Muse on the front cover of the magazine to tell the audience that they are so good they are going to take over the world as well as the magazine cover.

The anchorage text on the page says “Apocalypse Wow” and “Matt: The Aliens Are Coming to Get You”. This means that they are trying to be ironic that not only are they taking over the world they are going to take over the universe with their music.

This use of anchorage text must mean that the band are super confident of themselves that they will succeed in practically anything that they do, all because they are the main topic on the cover of the alternative music magazine.

The alternative music crowd are just one big group. Unlike Kerrang!, who shows us that there are cults/groups like Emos and Goths (who dont really like to socialise with each other); there are not big sub genre cults/groups within the altenative music industry; they all act the same and dont usually have problems with other people who prefer different sub-genres. So this alternative music publication does not really show you that there are really cults/groups, just a huge fan base.

There is only one buzz word on the page which says “World’s first review” which is telling us that no other music magazine will have this topic in their music publication. This draws the reader’s attention to that specific part of the page if they know and like the band the magazine is talking about.

The design block for the title is quite bold and colourful. It is quite plain compared to the Kerrang! title but it is quite attractive and easy to spot when looking for the magazine in shops.

The title block tells us that the reader likes to know about the new alternative music scene. NME actually stands for New Music Express. This also tells us that the reader wants to know about new music that has just come off the press immediately.
The style of the title is very big and bold. This is so the reader, who is looking for this magazine, will find it quite easily. They also use red as it is very bold and attractive.
The image which has been used tries to emphasises the title as the image of the band are wearing suits of black and white.

The puffs suggest that the readers what to know about gossip in the alternative music industry. It helps draw reader’s attention to the sweep spot, the left hand side of the page, because that is where we start to read from.

NME doesn’t really have a slogan, just the title of the magazine and the name underneath it which says “New Musical Express”. This means that this niche magazine only talks about new music and gives it straight to you.

NME uses a number of different colours such as red, yellow and blue. These are colours attract the readers and others people that don’t read this type of music publication. The fonts that have been used are very clear and bold like the title. This is so you can see what will appear inside the magazine from a distance.

The music publication, NME, put in free CD’s once or twice a year. This is a very clever strategy as the next time a reader will get a CD made by NME; the quality of the music will be very good and worth the wait. This will also increase sales if the readers know that they will get their copy of the so called "free CD".

Analysis of Contents a Page (Kerrang! and NME)

This is the Kerrang! contents page. They have used images to show their target audience who are some of the main topics in the magazine. They have placed the most important topic at the top which has also been enlarged. It is a very neat for a Kerrang! Contents page. If you look at the cover page it is quite edgy and dark. This is a good magazine contents page as it is easy to read and see. Notice how Kerrang! have used plain white for the background; they have done this so they can save money and so that the reader will not get ink all over their fingers. this is very cleverly well done. To make the page seem busy and colourfull they have just added lots of images to it.

Kerrang! have used a combination of dark colours as well as yellow for bothe text and boxes in which have colour in them. This sets the page out well so it is not totally submerged in dark colours like black and grey. The fonts that are being used have been made quite bold. This is so you can see them from far away.

To find the piece of information you are looking for, it will usually be under a certain sub heading like News or Live Reviews e.t.c. This tells us that the magazine has lots of different things going on to suite everyone’s musical needs.

There is one promotional feature that every magazine has; a subscription to that particular magazine and sometimes other related magazines. This is so that if people don’t have time to buy the magazine, they can subscribe and pay for them monthly. This is great as they arrive strait to your door.

Unfortunately there is no logo on the Kerrang! contents page. There is only the information that will appear inside the magazine, images of the information and the letter to the editor.

The Kerrang! brand has no other franchise in its magazine.

The NME contents page has used lots of pictures which appear all over the page to make it look busy. This is also what the cover looks like. It has been constructed so that you can find your favourite artists, which will appear in the magazine, on the left hand side of the page and the actual information, on the right hand side. This is quite useful as it will very easy to look for their target audince's favourite artist/bands.

NME uses big bold fonts to make the writing clear to see and read. They have also made the text slant a little to make it look like it has been slammed right on to the page. there are many different colours on the page to represent something different. This supports the cover page well because they are both very bright and bold which generally stands out in the crowd.

NME has 3 sections. On the left hand side you will find a list of all the bands and artists that you will find inside the magazine and the pages on where they are.
However in the middle you will find images of the bands/artists that will be appearing inside the magazine and some anchorage text.
On the right you will find what other topics are inside the magazine even if it is not on the front page. For example that weeks top reviews, new artists and bands the latest gigs and features.
This contents page is quite unique as you will not that many music publication contents page with a list of every single band and artist that will be appearing inside the magazine.

The NME has promotional features on its contents page. They have a subscribe section at the bottom with big letters and assortments of different colours such as red and yellow to attract their target audience.

NME has placed their logo on the top left hand side of the page as that is were you will immediately look when reading books or other textual publications. It is not very big but it is very bold with colours such as black, white and red. this is supposed to look very attractive and to gain peoples attention to make sure of what they are reading.
Just like Kerrang!NME ,I belive, has no other franchise in its magazine.

Music Magazine Comparison

The lay out of Clash is very different to the NME.
The NME has three different sections to its contents page and uses lots of images to show their target audience who will be in the magazine, what images will be inside the magazine and which page they will be on. They have made it quite messy and mixed up as that’s how their target audience are portrayed to somtimes supposedly to dress like and acts.
Whereas Clash have gone for a very basic, but almost unique layout for their contents page. They have only used three images whereas NME have used around ten for their contents page.

Clash has only used one colour throughout the contents page which indicates that they are trying to blend their image into the page. It is neat and basic, which appeals to their target audience.
But if you look at NME, you will notice that they have used lots of colours on the page instead of blending the images and background colour into one. This is probably because NME deals with alternative music, which basically indicates the bright, bold and mismatch of colours which appeals greatly to its readers.

If you look closely at Clash, you will notice that it looks almost like a website. This is quite a good layout as it is quite easy to locate the bands/artists or features you are looking for. This also tells us that the audience is quite sophisticated as Clash’s target audience is from 18-26 year olds. They want a sophisticated magazine for a sophisticated target audience.
However the target audience for NME is 14-24, this indicates that the magazine is not meant to be sophisticated in the way that Clash is. It is for young adults who are still experiencing life.

Clash is very different from other music publications such as Kerrang! And NME because the style is much more grown up and sophisticated.

Analysis of my Questionaire

Do you buy music magazines regularly?

50% yes and 50% said no. This means that I must try and make the music publication the way my target audience wants it. I will put things like free posters and stickers in to make them buy it.

What age are you?

90% said that they are aged 14-18. This information tells me that people aged 14-18 are most likely to buy my magazine. This also means that I have to try and improve some ideas in my magazine if I want to appeal to a much greater audience.

How much money do you spend on them?

100% said that they spend around £2.01-£3.00 per music magazine. This must mean that the price of my music publication must be around that particular figure.

How often do you buy a music magazine?

100% said that they buy their music magazines weekly. This means that I will produce a music publication weekly.

What type of rock genre do you prefer?

60% said that they prefer Emo rock music, 20% said they prefer Punk rock and 20% said that they prefer Indie rock. This information tells me that I should put a lot Emo, Punk and Indie music in my music publication.

What type of free merchandise do you prefer?

40% said that they prefer posters, 20% said they would prefer stickers, 10% said CD’s and 10% said key rings. This means that I should put posters in my music magazine most of the time then put in key rings and stickers and only put in CD’s at least once a year to let my audience hear some of the music that I am promoting.

Would you like to know the latest artist/bands that are on tour/concert?

80% of people said that they would like to know who are on tour/concert. 20% said that they would not like to know. This means that I should put a small section of advertisements for those who would like to know who will be on tour/concert.

What one feature would you prefer inside the music magazine?

60% said that they would prefer an upcoming gigs and tours page, 20% said album review, 10% said new music video review and 10% said gigs and tours review. This means that I should put an upcoming gigs and tours page with a few album, new music and previous gigs and tour reviews on a different page. This means it will appear to a much greater audience.

Which of these titles do you prefer?

90% said that they preferred Chemical Waste! And 10% said Strum Out! This means that I will use Chemical Waste! For my magazine title as it is more popular, catchy and will be quite unique, this will attract my target audience.

The Evolution of Britney Spears

This image that has been taken is most of the Britney Spears body. This is known as a medium shot. This shot has been used so that you can focus on what she is doing and what type of objects she has in the picture.

In the image above, Britney is only wearing her underwear. This suggests that she is trying to tease the male audience which makes them want to read the magazine. This particular edition is almost certainly appealing to boys in their late teens and some adult men for example 18-49. Statistics show that 59% of the readers in America are men.

Britney uses two props for her image. These are a Teletubby and a telephone. The message that is being conveyed is that she is a teenage girl who likes to do feminine things, i.e. talking on the telephone, and who likes cute baby things, i.e. the Teletubby bear, that will make her look sweet and playful but innocent. This image is very stereotypical.

The image has been set on top of a luxurious pink silk bed cover. They have done this so that they can achieve the sexy teenager look, which Britney Spears is most famous for.

In this image, Britney Spears is being portrayed as Lolita, a fictional 14 girl who was very famous for her seducing towards older men. The image above has been inspired by Lolita’s work. Also notice how she is laying down. The readers will automatically look down at her. This is quite a domineering picture were the audience feel like they have total power and control over her.

The main colours that have been used are pink, black and white. They have used pink for her girlish side, black for her sexy side and white for the innocents of her age. However, notice her white shirt. It is the same shirt she had on in her music video “Hit Me Baby One More Time”. This music video had a big impact towards the teenage generation. In this video, she was seducing older male teachers; and now she is seducing the male population of readers that has brought that particular issue of “Rolling Stone”.

For this image, they have used a medium shot which has been cropped. This so you can focus again on what she is doing in the image.

In this image, Britney Spears is wearing nothing but her knickers. For her pose she is pressing herself up against a white wall or frame. This image is telling us that she wants a close relationship with the reader all because she is pushing herself close to the door frame.

This image has been set in either a hall way or a small doorway. This tells us that she wants to be very intimate and close with her readers.

The source of light that has been used in this image looks like that it is coming from overhead. I think that this so that when the light shines down, it will make her look like she is glowing. This is very effective with her white surroundings.

The only colours that have been used are white and a very small amount of pink. They have added pink lace to her knickers so that her readers know that she is still quite girly and the have made the surroundings white to show off her innocence and serenity.

This image has been chosen to represent the main article of the magazine which is about Britney Spears’s tragedy. This means that the black and white style is significant.

The image has been cropped so that all you are meant to see are her facial features and expressions. They have cropped the image at the top of her head, neck and at the sides of her face. So all you can see is her sad expression.

This image tells us that she wants a close relationship with her readers. This is defiantly supported by the anchorage text as it says “Inside An American Tragedy”. Her sad black and white image it trying to tell the readers that she is sad and even vulnerable. This makes the reader want to feel her emotions as they feel close to her as the image is a close up.
Rolling Stone is quite different to other music publications. They want the reader to establish a bond with the artist/artists who is appearing on the cover of the magazine.