Tuesday 25 November 2008

Music Magazine Comparison

The lay out of Clash is very different to the NME.
The NME has three different sections to its contents page and uses lots of images to show their target audience who will be in the magazine, what images will be inside the magazine and which page they will be on. They have made it quite messy and mixed up as that’s how their target audience are portrayed to somtimes supposedly to dress like and acts.
Whereas Clash have gone for a very basic, but almost unique layout for their contents page. They have only used three images whereas NME have used around ten for their contents page.

Clash has only used one colour throughout the contents page which indicates that they are trying to blend their image into the page. It is neat and basic, which appeals to their target audience.
But if you look at NME, you will notice that they have used lots of colours on the page instead of blending the images and background colour into one. This is probably because NME deals with alternative music, which basically indicates the bright, bold and mismatch of colours which appeals greatly to its readers.

If you look closely at Clash, you will notice that it looks almost like a website. This is quite a good layout as it is quite easy to locate the bands/artists or features you are looking for. This also tells us that the audience is quite sophisticated as Clash’s target audience is from 18-26 year olds. They want a sophisticated magazine for a sophisticated target audience.
However the target audience for NME is 14-24, this indicates that the magazine is not meant to be sophisticated in the way that Clash is. It is for young adults who are still experiencing life.

Clash is very different from other music publications such as Kerrang! And NME because the style is much more grown up and sophisticated.

1 comment:

JML said...


How have the music artists been represented in each magazine and how does this relate to the target audience?

Is it easy to identify the regular features and articles in each magazine? Is a house style being developed?

Is the language being used different in each magazine? These are aimed at very different audiences in terms of age so I think the language will be quite different.