Tuesday 25 November 2008

The Evolution of Britney Spears

This image that has been taken is most of the Britney Spears body. This is known as a medium shot. This shot has been used so that you can focus on what she is doing and what type of objects she has in the picture.

In the image above, Britney is only wearing her underwear. This suggests that she is trying to tease the male audience which makes them want to read the magazine. This particular edition is almost certainly appealing to boys in their late teens and some adult men for example 18-49. Statistics show that 59% of the readers in America are men.

Britney uses two props for her image. These are a Teletubby and a telephone. The message that is being conveyed is that she is a teenage girl who likes to do feminine things, i.e. talking on the telephone, and who likes cute baby things, i.e. the Teletubby bear, that will make her look sweet and playful but innocent. This image is very stereotypical.

The image has been set on top of a luxurious pink silk bed cover. They have done this so that they can achieve the sexy teenager look, which Britney Spears is most famous for.

In this image, Britney Spears is being portrayed as Lolita, a fictional 14 girl who was very famous for her seducing towards older men. The image above has been inspired by Lolita’s work. Also notice how she is laying down. The readers will automatically look down at her. This is quite a domineering picture were the audience feel like they have total power and control over her.

The main colours that have been used are pink, black and white. They have used pink for her girlish side, black for her sexy side and white for the innocents of her age. However, notice her white shirt. It is the same shirt she had on in her music video “Hit Me Baby One More Time”. This music video had a big impact towards the teenage generation. In this video, she was seducing older male teachers; and now she is seducing the male population of readers that has brought that particular issue of “Rolling Stone”.

For this image, they have used a medium shot which has been cropped. This so you can focus again on what she is doing in the image.

In this image, Britney Spears is wearing nothing but her knickers. For her pose she is pressing herself up against a white wall or frame. This image is telling us that she wants a close relationship with the reader all because she is pushing herself close to the door frame.

This image has been set in either a hall way or a small doorway. This tells us that she wants to be very intimate and close with her readers.

The source of light that has been used in this image looks like that it is coming from overhead. I think that this so that when the light shines down, it will make her look like she is glowing. This is very effective with her white surroundings.

The only colours that have been used are white and a very small amount of pink. They have added pink lace to her knickers so that her readers know that she is still quite girly and the have made the surroundings white to show off her innocence and serenity.

This image has been chosen to represent the main article of the magazine which is about Britney Spears’s tragedy. This means that the black and white style is significant.

The image has been cropped so that all you are meant to see are her facial features and expressions. They have cropped the image at the top of her head, neck and at the sides of her face. So all you can see is her sad expression.

This image tells us that she wants a close relationship with her readers. This is defiantly supported by the anchorage text as it says “Inside An American Tragedy”. Her sad black and white image it trying to tell the readers that she is sad and even vulnerable. This makes the reader want to feel her emotions as they feel close to her as the image is a close up.
Rolling Stone is quite different to other music publications. They want the reader to establish a bond with the artist/artists who is appearing on the cover of the magazine.

1 comment:

JML said...

Good analysis Hayley. Well done for recognising that Rolling Stone is primarily aimed at a male audience, as many music magazines are!

- 59% of readers of Rolling Stone magazine and not America
- Comment on Britney's facial expressions and how she is addressing the audience (direct-mode?)
- What other connotations might the use of b&w have in the last image?