Tuesday 25 November 2008

Analysis of my Questionaire

Do you buy music magazines regularly?

50% yes and 50% said no. This means that I must try and make the music publication the way my target audience wants it. I will put things like free posters and stickers in to make them buy it.

What age are you?

90% said that they are aged 14-18. This information tells me that people aged 14-18 are most likely to buy my magazine. This also means that I have to try and improve some ideas in my magazine if I want to appeal to a much greater audience.

How much money do you spend on them?

100% said that they spend around £2.01-£3.00 per music magazine. This must mean that the price of my music publication must be around that particular figure.

How often do you buy a music magazine?

100% said that they buy their music magazines weekly. This means that I will produce a music publication weekly.

What type of rock genre do you prefer?

60% said that they prefer Emo rock music, 20% said they prefer Punk rock and 20% said that they prefer Indie rock. This information tells me that I should put a lot Emo, Punk and Indie music in my music publication.

What type of free merchandise do you prefer?

40% said that they prefer posters, 20% said they would prefer stickers, 10% said CD’s and 10% said key rings. This means that I should put posters in my music magazine most of the time then put in key rings and stickers and only put in CD’s at least once a year to let my audience hear some of the music that I am promoting.

Would you like to know the latest artist/bands that are on tour/concert?

80% of people said that they would like to know who are on tour/concert. 20% said that they would not like to know. This means that I should put a small section of advertisements for those who would like to know who will be on tour/concert.

What one feature would you prefer inside the music magazine?

60% said that they would prefer an upcoming gigs and tours page, 20% said album review, 10% said new music video review and 10% said gigs and tours review. This means that I should put an upcoming gigs and tours page with a few album, new music and previous gigs and tour reviews on a different page. This means it will appear to a much greater audience.

Which of these titles do you prefer?

90% said that they preferred Chemical Waste! And 10% said Strum Out! This means that I will use Chemical Waste! For my magazine title as it is more popular, catchy and will be quite unique, this will attract my target audience.

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