Tuesday 25 November 2008

Analysis of Contents a Page (Kerrang! and NME)

This is the Kerrang! contents page. They have used images to show their target audience who are some of the main topics in the magazine. They have placed the most important topic at the top which has also been enlarged. It is a very neat for a Kerrang! Contents page. If you look at the cover page it is quite edgy and dark. This is a good magazine contents page as it is easy to read and see. Notice how Kerrang! have used plain white for the background; they have done this so they can save money and so that the reader will not get ink all over their fingers. this is very cleverly well done. To make the page seem busy and colourfull they have just added lots of images to it.

Kerrang! have used a combination of dark colours as well as yellow for bothe text and boxes in which have colour in them. This sets the page out well so it is not totally submerged in dark colours like black and grey. The fonts that are being used have been made quite bold. This is so you can see them from far away.

To find the piece of information you are looking for, it will usually be under a certain sub heading like News or Live Reviews e.t.c. This tells us that the magazine has lots of different things going on to suite everyone’s musical needs.

There is one promotional feature that every magazine has; a subscription to that particular magazine and sometimes other related magazines. This is so that if people don’t have time to buy the magazine, they can subscribe and pay for them monthly. This is great as they arrive strait to your door.

Unfortunately there is no logo on the Kerrang! contents page. There is only the information that will appear inside the magazine, images of the information and the letter to the editor.

The Kerrang! brand has no other franchise in its magazine.

The NME contents page has used lots of pictures which appear all over the page to make it look busy. This is also what the cover looks like. It has been constructed so that you can find your favourite artists, which will appear in the magazine, on the left hand side of the page and the actual information, on the right hand side. This is quite useful as it will very easy to look for their target audince's favourite artist/bands.

NME uses big bold fonts to make the writing clear to see and read. They have also made the text slant a little to make it look like it has been slammed right on to the page. there are many different colours on the page to represent something different. This supports the cover page well because they are both very bright and bold which generally stands out in the crowd.

NME has 3 sections. On the left hand side you will find a list of all the bands and artists that you will find inside the magazine and the pages on where they are.
However in the middle you will find images of the bands/artists that will be appearing inside the magazine and some anchorage text.
On the right you will find what other topics are inside the magazine even if it is not on the front page. For example that weeks top reviews, new artists and bands the latest gigs and features.
This contents page is quite unique as you will not that many music publication contents page with a list of every single band and artist that will be appearing inside the magazine.

The NME has promotional features on its contents page. They have a subscribe section at the bottom with big letters and assortments of different colours such as red and yellow to attract their target audience.

NME has placed their logo on the top left hand side of the page as that is were you will immediately look when reading books or other textual publications. It is not very big but it is very bold with colours such as black, white and red. this is supposed to look very attractive and to gain peoples attention to make sure of what they are reading.
Just like Kerrang!NME ,I belive, has no other franchise in its magazine.

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