Friday 9 January 2009

My Music Magazine Double Page Spread Evaluation

This is my first draft of my double page spread. This page is very simple as I have tried to see what the article should look like from a reader’s point of view. I have added a background which holds a deeper meaning for some readers who know of the article and I have added images of the band that I have interviewed. It is fairly easy to understand the concept as I have made it as simple as possible.

The main target audience for this specific article are for those who have read the book “Breaking Dawn” for which the band, Ocean Black, are being interviewed for, as they have recently made a music video for the film version of the book. This requires knowledge of not only the book, but of the band and the fact that the film is coming out.

The colours I have used for the background are black and white, which goes as the cover of the “Breaking Dawn” book, is a chess board. I thought this would seem amusing to the readers as if it’s a little inside joke. The entire text on the page will be red as is the text on the book. I am imitating the book cover and all of its colours to go with the article I have written.
The layout is simple enough. All the text has been pushed over on to the second page so as to show the image of the band and background of the page.

As I think that my double page spread is very unique and professionally done, I don’t really find that there is much to change. However I think that the text could be made bolder and bigger so it is easier to read.

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