Tuesday 6 January 2009

School Magazine Cover Evaluation-Preliminary Task

This is my school/college magazine. The magazine has been arranged simply just like the way any music, fashion or gossip magazine is. I have used puffs, buzz words and have even included a logo. In my personal opinion, I think that my magazine looks almost professional. I have put most of the topics my magazine will be covering on to the front cover for my target audience such as music, fashion and the annual school/college topics and events like exams, trips, deadlines, Easter mass e.t.c

The chosen target audience is obviously at teenagers with the ages of 11-19. This means that the audience is quite young and will not appeal to people who are for example 25 or 35 year old. The magazine discusses issues and topics that are usually dealt with in schools and colleges like exam preparation to notices about up and coming inset days and half term.

I have used a lot of different colours to appeal to every one whether they are 13 or 18. This is because different colours attract different people. For example, most 13 tear olds prefer bright colours like yellow or orange, whereas most 17 year olds prefer darker colours like blue and purple.

I think that I will change the background colour of the magazine as it is quite plain and dull. It brings no life to the cover. I think that I will also change the colour of the text as it is too colourful. I think that it needs no more than 3 main colours.
I will also make sure that there is not too much text, just small pieces of information like the name s of bands and events. I will do this because it will not give the articles away. I want my readers to be surprised when they open they open the magazine.

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